So I have this really crafty friend that I used to baby-sit for. I love now that I'm a grown up (whatever that means right?!) we are the best of friends and she's not just someone I used to work for. She is seriously one of, if not THE, most crafty person I know. I saw her tables of crafts and cute stuff when I was about 10 and fell in love. I credit her for getting me interested in the first place. She showed me some super cute ideas the last time I was back in Missouri visiting. One of them was taking old aluminum tins and decorating them all kinds of cute ways. Such as taking an old Altoids tin and using them for a little sewing kit in your purse, a bigger tin to give someone cookies or another gift in, to store pens or just whatever. I found some tins of my very own today (DI is a great place to check!) and have since been looking for pictures of ideas. Here are some of my faves.
I love how functional this is! I have a brazillion boullion cubs jars and just my use them for something similar.

This chicky used a cookie sheet and little tins to make an advent calendar. Christmas Presents next year for sure!!!

I LUUUUURVE the buttons on these. Buttons are one of my favorite embellishments. So cute

Know what's in these? Cookies that a Mom auctioned off for a school fundraiser. They're little clear paint tins with paper. Hello cuteness! You can find them here

This chicky used a cookie sheet and little tins to make an advent calendar. Christmas Presents next year for sure!!!

I LUUUUURVE the buttons on these. Buttons are one of my favorite embellishments. So cute

Know what's in these? Cookies that a Mom auctioned off for a school fundraiser. They're little clear paint tins with paper. Hello cuteness! You can find them here
You are sooooo creative. I am following your journey
I hope you come by and follow along too